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Visualizations & Meditations

Guided visualization and meditation is a powerful way to lead the mind into stillness, to help see yourself and your world more accurately, which can lead to deep healing. 

Visualizations & Meditations

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Use the coupon code: GRATITUDE to download the Gratitude visualization for FREE



$3.50 USD

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The practice of gratitude is the simplest, easiest, and fastest way to change your internal state from negative to a feeling of full heartedness and centeredness. It is simple, immediate, and shockingly impactful.

Suggested practice: At least once per day.

Duration: 6 min.


No heart stronger than yours

$3.50 USD

Most of us completely undervalue ourselves and secretly think of ourselves as ultimately weak, unimportant or ineffectual. This often is the result of being neglected or having our voice stripped from us as children. This visualization reveals a new and empowering perspective.

Suggested practice: When you feel defeated or depressed.

Duration: 5 min.


From mind to heart

$3.50 USD

This simple breathing evolution can have an immediate calming effect, particularly when dealing with anxiety and panic attacks. It helps you to learn to trust your breath rather than fear it, while at the same time improving your breathing technique.

Suggested practice: Daily. Best after exercising or yoga practice. Or when needed to help with anxiety.

Duration: 7 min.


Rediscover your inspiration

$3.50 USD

Create a mental connection with a new version of yourself, five years older and fully self-actualized. This visualization can ignite the imperative of making the changes that you deeply believe you need, but have yet to bring to life.

Suggested practice: Whenever you’re in search of motivation, inspiration or advice on your personal evolution. Also, when you want to gain trust in yourself and your future.

Duration: 5 min.


Removing the armor

$3.50 USD

Many of us have worn armor around our hearts for so long that we have forgotten that it is there. Armor is designed to protect, but by its nature it also divides, so it keeps us disconnected and isolated from those we love and who love us. Learn how to consciously remove it to release yourself from the emotional prison of your own making.  

Suggested practice: When you feel isolated and lonely, and want to improve your connection and intimacy with others.

Duration: 8 min.


Inner child

$3.50 USD

Although our body follows the progress of time, our inner child is alive and breathing within us for our entire life, and influences us more than we realize. To develop a deep and meaningful bond with your inner child is one of the most life-changing experiences you can have.

Suggested practice: When you know you need a major shift to break patterns and behaviors that no longer serve you, or whenever you simply need to feel seen and safe in your life.

Duration: 7 min.


Power of stillness

$3.50 USD

Sustain focus and increase expansion. Simple, clear, and effective. By adding one simple prop to your meditation practice you can substantially increase and sustain your focus. You will feel the positive effects of this the first time you try

Suggested practice: Anytime that you choose to sit in meditation.  

Duration: 10 min.


Mind meets the breath

$3.50 USD

This simple breathing evolution can have an immediate calming effect, particularly when dealing with anxiety and panic attacks. It helps you to learn to trust your breath rather than fear it, while at the same time improving your breathing technique.

Suggested practice: Daily. Best after exercising or yoga practice. Or when needed to help with anxiety.

Duration: 7 min.