
For over 27 years Max Strom has been sharing his teachings and he is determined to continue to do so for many years to come. With the current state of the world, it is crucial that we reach more people as quickly as we can. You can help. Now you can contribute to spreading this work that has impacted and helped you when you needed it most.

The number of people burdened with anxiety, hyper-stress, depression and sleeping problems has never been higher and is still increasing exponentially. It is Max’s mission to create awareness around the globe of the simple yet high impact techniques that relieve emotional suffering. He dreams of teachers all around the world, in all shapes and sizes, cultures and communities, to spread these teachings and support to as many people as possible.

What will my contribution be used for?

We must all learn to breathe, and learn to grieve. You will be contributing to sustain, accelerate and spread Max’s work to this end. Through this support, we can continue to expand his offerings with video, audio, and in writing, and we can bring his work to a much larger audience of people seeking to move from post- traumatic stress to post-traumatic freedom.

