Advanced Teacher Training recordings

5-pack of evolutionary trainings
12 hours of content
Unlimited access to the videos for 1 year

Become a teacher of transformation and pave the way for personal and global change.

Unique opportunity to join segments of Max’s Teacher Training from your home in a way that suits your schedule and pace. Revisit his teachings as many times as you like with this unlimited package offer. Benefitting from Max’s 27 years of experience in teaching yoga and breathwork you will learn immediately applicable techniques, gain new insights into the practice and into teaching and you will take your classes to the next level.

What you’ll get:

  • Advanced teacher trainings (livestream recordings)
  • More than 12 hours of transformative content
  • Unlimited access for 1 year
  • Learn at your own pace and when it suits your schedule
  • Become a teacher of transformation

$129 USD

Length: 12 hours

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5-pack videos

Training 1

Cueing and Connecting With Your Students

Part 1

This training offers several techniques for refining and empowering your ability to transfer to your students what you want to say in the tone you want it to be received. It will re-inspire and reignite your own practice and bring new confidence and passion to your teaching.

Teachings will continue and deepen in part 2 of the Cueing and Connecting With Your Students series.

Breakdown of content:

  • How do I establish trust with my students?
  • Do’s and don’ts in verbal and nonverbal cueing
  • Universal principles of communication
  • What is the difference between queuing flexible people and tight people and how do I cue to serve all?
  • How do I keep my students safe while guiding them through movement?
  • How can I improve my online teaching?
  • How can I improve the technical challenges of teaching online?
Training 2

Cueing and Connecting With Your Students

Part 2

This 3-hour training is a continuation and deepening of the training Cueing and Connecting With Your Students part 1.

Breakdown of content:

  • Overcoming self-doubt as a teacher
  • Writing exercise to improve your communication skills with family as well as students
  • Phrasing, impact words, and empowerment in our speech
  • Understand how we listen and how we do not listen
  • The power of vulnerability and the weakness of vanity
  • Learn to connect with your students, and to connect your community together
  • What to do when a student becomes very emotional
  • How to communicate about anxiety and panic attacks
  • How to use teaching stories
Training 3

Finding Balance in an Imbalanced World

Teacher Training series

Teach your students to cultivate grace, strength, and concentration in their practice
using standing balance postures. Learn how the habitual practice of balance poses creates an inner transformation and can increase your longevity by many years. This 2-hour training is ideal for all levels, including those who think of themselves as clumsy.

Breakdown of content:

  • Lecture on internal and external balance
  • Benefits of balancing postures
  • How to teach people who struggle with balancing
  • Practice: experience, cues, adjustments and challenges
Training 4

The Stories of Your Life

Teacher Training series

You are a teacher. You offer much more to your students than instructions for postures. You have a message and one of the best ways of bringing that message into your teaching is by storytelling. This brand-new 2-hour training will enlighten you on how to identify meaningful stories from your own life experience, and then to utilize them as a powerful tool in teaching and public speaking.It will help you to see yourself and your life differently.

Breakdown of content:

  • Analysis of a story
  • Identify and create your own stories
  • Step-by-step writing down one of your stories
  • Storytelling hacks
  • Q&A
Training 5

The Secret of Using Movement to Find Stillness

Teacher Training series

The intent of our practice is not only to increase our strength and flexibility, but also to promote health and vitality. But the next layer is to transform our thoughts from chaos to a quiet stillness. A sense of arriving home. In this 2-hour training you will experience Max’s unique practice that will enhance your strength, and yet brings you to a profound state of stillness, as well as learning how to bring this practice into your teaching.

Breakdown of content:

  • Lecture on inner stillness
  • Breath and movement practice
  • Focus exercises
  • Becoming comfortable with tears
  • Total relaxation and guided visualization

$129 USD

Length: 12 hours

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