Austria – Breathe to Heal Facilitator Training

Austria - Breathe to Heal Facilitator Training MarchMar 10 2024 09:00 Europe/ViennaBad Dürrnberg, Austria

Few spots leftRetreatTraining

Join this special training & retreat in Austria!

“Our aim as teachers is to facilitate post-traumatic healing and arrive at post-traumatic freedom.” - Max Strom

From 10 to 15 March 2024, Max will teach his Breathe to Heal Facilitator Training in Bad Dürrnberg, Austria. If you are interested in the training, sign up by filling out the application form. If you have any questions please contact us at [email protected].

While taking this training you’ll be staying at the beautifully located hotel Kranzbichlhof, surrounded by peace, quietness and relaxation. You’ll find yourself amidst an impressive mountainous scenery, you will be treated with delicious meals and the wonderful company of like-minded people.

About the training

Alleviating anxiety, depression and panic-attacks is one of the most pressing matters in today’s society. Conventional methods like talk-therapy do their part, but it’s often not enough. The Breathe to Heal system has proven highly successful at accelerating emotional healing and getting to the core of symptoms like anxiety, depression and panic attacks. This training has proven highly successful for therapists, social and health professionals, coaches, and (yoga) teachers who added Max’s method to their healing repertoire. 

What will this training cover?

This training reveals a new understanding of the interconnectedness between anxiety, loneliness, and unreconciled grief. These are all aspects of the central issue which is our relationship with others and ourselves. By releasing and reconciling with our suppressed emotions we enhance our ability to have deep relationships and we reclaim tranquility in our daily lives and body. The training will give you the chance to personally experience and fully understand the impact of the Breathe to Heal system so that you can implement the techniques into your sessions authentically and effectively.

Learn more about the Breathe to Heal Facilitator Training

Daily Schedule

(subject to modification)

Sunday 10 March
2pm | Check-in Room
6 - 7:15pm | Dinner & welcome drink
7:30 - 9:30pm | Evening Class or Homework

Monday 11 - Thursday 14 March
8 - 8:45am | Breakfast
9am - 12:15pm | Class
12:15 - 2pm | Lunch & Free Time
2 - 5:15pm | Class
6 - 7:30pm | Dinner
7:30 - 9:30pm | Evening Class or Homework

Friday 15 March
8 - 8:45am | Breakfast
9 - 11am | Class
11am - 12pm | Closing Tea & Check-out

Saturday 13 April
2 - 6pm | Virtual follow up - livestream and Q&A


Enrolment is limited and by permission only. To register, fill in the form.


Tuition for the training:

  • Early Bird (until 31 December 2023): €1,300
  • Regular price (from 1 January 2024): €1,499

Includes all classes and lectures, manual and follow-up online Q&A

Additional costs:
Accommodation – double room €700, single room €865 for 5 nights, including breakfast, lunch and dinner. Accommodation to be paid at the hotel - book your hotel room directly via [email protected].


This unique 6-day training will take place in a beautiful seminar hotel in Austria: Kranzbichlhof. This venue allows us to work in an intimate, exclusive space. Enjoy a beautiful seminar room with spacious views and a lot of light. The meals are ayurvedic based and vegetarian. Vegan option is available upon booking.
Please note: You have to book your room at [email protected]. If you prefer a single room, please don't wait too long, because the hotel has a limited number of single rooms available.

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Austria, Bad Dürrnberg - Hotel Kranzbichlhof, Bad Dürrnberg, Austria


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