The Netherlands – Breathe to Heal Facilitator Training

The Netherlands - Breathe to Heal Facilitator Training NovemberNov 28 2022 09:00 Europe/AmsterdamUtrecht, the Netherlands

Breathe to HealTraining

“Our aim as teachers is to facilitate post-traumatic healing and arrive at post-traumatic freedom.” - Max Strom

From 28 November until 3 December 2022, Max will host his Breathe to Heal 40-hour Facilitator Training in Utrecht, the Netherlands. If you are interested in the training, sign up via Yoga Moves Utrecht. If you have any questions please contact Yoga Moves Utrecht.

About the training

Alleviating anxiety, depression and panic-attacks is one of the most pressing matters in today’s society. Conventional methods like talk-therapy do their part, but it’s often not enough. The Breathe to Heal system has proven highly successful at accelerating emotional healing and getting to the core of symptoms like anxiety, depression and panic attacks. This training has proven highly successful for therapists, social and health professionals, coaches, and (yoga) teachers who added Max’s method to their healing repertoire. 

What will this training cover?

This training reveals a new understanding of the interconnectedness between anxiety, loneliness, and un-reconciled grief. These are all aspects of the central issue which is our relationship with others and ourselves. By releasing and reconciling with our suppressed emotions we enhance our ability to have deep relationships and we reclaim tranquility in our daily lives and body. The training will give you the chance to personally experience and fully understand the impact of the Breathe to Heal system so that you can implement the techniques into your sessions authentically and effectively.

What will you learn?

  • Understanding human connection, vulnerability, isolation, and intimacy.
  • Experiencing the interconnection of emotions with the body.
  • Communication: a line of questioning to quickly ascertain a client’s primary wound.
  • Identifying symptomatic facial expressions, postures, and gestures.
  • Daily breathing patterns for alleviating and preventing anxiety and cultivating emotional health.
  • Evolutionary breathing patterns to access and release suppressed emotions.
  • Using guided visualizations for rapid access to emotions and healing.
  • Contra-indications: when to avoid certain breathing exercises or visualizations. 

Learn more about the Breathe to Heal Facilitator Training

Practical info

  • Dates: 28 November - 3 December 2022
  • Times: Monday - Friday 9am - 4:45pm; Saturday: 8:30am - 12:30pm. On Monday until Wednesday and on Friday you'll have homework in the evening. This will be about an hour writing, followed by Max's sleep sequence
  • Location: the Netherlands, Utrecht
  • Price: €1,199 (incl. VAT) - book before 16 October and pay the Early Bird rate of €1,099!
  • YACEP: 40 hours credit
  • More info or registration (you will be directed to the booking page of Yoga Moves)
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The Netherlands, Utrecht - Yoga Moves, Utrecht, the Netherlands


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